*Here* I showed you the first star pouch for my smartphone, today a second version, one can never have enough ;-) For the second one I crocheted the star stitch pattern vertically. All links to tutorials of this wonderful stitch are mentioned in my first post *click*
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Yarn Fanatic Party
Making thru Monday Crochet
Hookin' on Hump Day
4 Kommentare:
Great idea for a smartphone case! You are very creative and talented!
Great idea for a smartphone case! You are very creative and talented!
Liebe Monika,
ich finde deine Herzhüllen herzallerliebst....
Richtig schön geworden.....
Ich habe gerade wieder angefangen Kürbisse zu häkeln.....
Ganz liebe Grüße Jen
Das sind ja coole Teile, sehen wirklich spitze aus.
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Thank you very much for your visit and your comment, very much appreciated!
Dankjewel voor je bezoekje en je reactie, ik ben er heel blij mee!
Muchas gracias por tu visita y tu comentario - me encanta mucho :-)