Schritte: Motiv auf Kopierpapier übertragen, mit einem harten Bleistift alle Linien nachmalen und dadurch auf das Papier kopieren. Im Anschluss die Linien mit dem Skalpell nachschneiden, bis auf die Stege, die werden nur angeritzt, zum Schluss auffalten.
When I really need to relax and come down, I take some paper and a x-acto knife and start to cut out filigree patterns. When doing this, I focus completely on what I do and all other thoughts have no space - a kind of meditation :-) and in addition something nice comes out. I really like this oriental city, a candle put behind it and you have a romantic lantern.
How to: Transfer the motive onto copying paper, draw again all lines with a hard pencil thus copying the motiv onto the paper. Then cut all the lines, except of the little pieces in between, they will only be slit slightly, and to finish fold it up.
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